YASU LACE UP Sneakers woman Dark Grey<p>Our Yasu Lace Up model is an active and casual women’s fitness walking shoe, from the new collection, designed to both heal your feet and propel your walk with style. Fitting snugly with all your outfits, all day long, you'll never want to take them off. Look great, feel brilliant, walk incredibly.</p>
<p>Features for these shoes include:</p>
<ul class=""key-feat"">
<li>Colour: Dark Grey</li>
<li>Level of Rock: Medium. MBT Fitness Index: Level 2</li>
<li>Upper: Mesh</li>
<li>Footbed: Mesh</li>
<li>Midsole: SensorTechnology</li>
<li>Outsole: Sponge</li>
<p>These shoes feature our signature MBT technology with a medium-strong sole curve, Pivot Axis and medium-high midsole. Designed for your longer distance walks requiring added cushioning and improved midfoot-forefoot transition. Our MBT SensorTechnology in the heel also complements the midfoot sensor by absorbing shock, resulting in all-round comfort and balance.</p> walking - 2022/Zapatillas Fitness walking - 2022/Fitness-walking-2022/Private sale 2022 - Ventas Privadas - MBT /Private sale 2022 - Winter /Private Sale 2022/Private sale 2022 - Winter - MBT /Private Sale - Winter MBT/Ventas privadas MBT - Winter- 2022/Saldi Invernali 2023/Rebajas de invierno 2023/Winter sale 2023 - MBT/Tendenza 2023/2023 Trend/nl-mbt-trend-2023/Tendance 2023/Trend 2023/SALDI/SALDI/DONNA/Outlet/Femmes/Outlet/WOMEN/Outlet/Women/Outlet/MUJER/Outlet/active fitness walking/Calzado fisiológico - Cuida tu salut y bienestar/Calzature fisiologiche - Prendersi cura della propria salute e del proprio benessere/Physiological footwear - Take care of your health and wellbeing/Physiologisches Schuhwerk - Sorgen Sie für Ihre Gesundheit und Ihr Wohlbefinden/Chaussures physiologiques - Prendre soin de sa santé et de son bien-être/Summer Sales 2023/Suola Modena/Modena Sole/Semelle Modena/Modena Schuhsohle/Letzte Paare - Letzte Größen. MBT Promotionen und Rabatte/Ultime paia, ultimi numeri. Promozioni e sconti MBT/Last Pairs - Last Sizes. MBT Promotions and Discounts/Últimos pares, últimas tallas. Promociones y Descuentos de MBT/Dernières paires, Dernières tailles. Promotions et réductions MBT/Black Friday. Promociones y Descuentos de MBT/Cyber Week. Promociones y Descuentos de MBT/Black Friday. Promozioni e sconti MBT/Cyber Week. Promozioni e sconti MBT/Black Friday. Promotions et réductions MBT/Cyber Week. Promotions et réductions MBT/Black Friday. MBT Promotions and Discounts/Cyber Week. MBT Promotions and Discounts/Black Friday. MBT Promotions and Discounts/Outlet/Outlet/Donna/Outlet/LAST PAIRS LAST SIZES2022-08-15T10:24:51+0000
Our Yasu Lace Up model is an active and casual women’s fitness walking shoe, from the new collection, designed to both heal your feet and propel your walk with style. Fitting snugly with all your outfits, all day long, you'll never want to take them off. Look great, feel brilliant, walk incredibly.
Features for these shoes include:
Colour: Dark Grey
Level of Rock: Medium. MBT Fitness Index: Level 2
Upper: Mesh
Footbed: Mesh
Midsole: SensorTechnology
Outsole: Sponge
These shoes feature our signature MBT technology with a medium-strong sole curve, Pivot Axis and medium-high midsole. Designed for your longer distance walks requiring added cushioning and improved midfoot-forefoot transition. Our MBT SensorTechnology in the heel also complements the midfoot sensor by absorbing shock, resulting in all-round comfort and balance.